Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Just Another Day..

So, I've been trying to figure out a way to make money to help out with the bills that seem to be piling up. So, I'm pretty sure I found out a real honest chance to make money from home, but I'm still tryin git out. There is one thing that I needed to do when I started to set up this at home biz & that was have either PayPal account to accept payment from the company, or to have a AlertPay account & since I have had bad experiences with PayPal I decided to try out this AlertPay. I'm VERY happy with this decision & I can make money through them too. I have decided to get serious about learning how to extreme coupon to a degree though not so much to fill a garage because I have no garage or I probably would. All I can say with me having to take time off due to Silas' diagnosis since 20 weeks, that company closed before Silas was born, so I am out of work & hunting. My husband well he has been laid off again!! So, with us struggling to figure out how to keep our belly's full, lights on, & roof over our heads I know how hard it is to pick up the pieces emotionally & financially too. So I have a great idea that I am going to begin with this new learned talent. I have to find someone that is so good at this that they can ensure I have the knowledge to be successful. So, if you know a couponer in the Orlando, FL area please send them my way. I want to make a organization that accepts & creates a stockpile/ bank of items that a family would need while they are either picking up the pieces after the loss of a CDH baby! Hopefully to expand to other angels of other illnesses, the bigger our stock pile the more families I can help. Hope to expand to other states by having others join & train local people how to successfully coupon in order to donate extra products to their local chapter of this organization.. So, with that I'm doing my research & watching the NILMDTS video & Alison Waring Photography video too.. So here is:


  1. This video is just beautiful! I wish I had one done.. I pray for peace for your family!

  2. Such a touching video.Its just beautiful.May u find peace in your loving hearts.Your son is just so beautiful.Im so sorry for your great loss.Sending u loving hugs and my love.
